Monday, March 1, 2010

Where Savages Party

So according to GAWKER the new hot spot to late night at in New York City is some guy named Mike's apartment.  In the past couple of weeks a plethora of celebrities have been rumored to have been seen there, smoking cigs and cramming as many as 150 people into old buddy's spot into the wee hours of the morning.  Supposedly "Mike" is some restaurant wookie that's been around town for awhile and has come to know quite a good bit of people in the area, leading to all this hooplah about his studio apartment that celebs like to chill at.

Well, it sounds to us like these people finally got it right.  What's more savage then smoking cigs inside, not being bothered by any obnoxious door guys or cover charges, BYOB, partying till sunrise and getting to sneak some of Mike's expensive whiskey from his collection for free? This sounds like a typical savage Saturday night for us, celebs need to get with it.  All this buzz about Mike's apartment got us thinking about the most savage places we like to party... Because remember its all about being in your element when you are a savage.  So here's what we came up with:

WAREHOUSES - It's dark, it's creepy, you can't see anyone and if you are at a savage party then you can't hear anyone either because the music is too loud.  Warehouses are our go-to spots.  They are the destination for savages because you can find a deserted one in almost any city, pack as many of your friends in there and most likely find a band to play for everyone if you are savage enough.  We have spent countless memorable nights getting fucked up in warehouses listening to great bands and making out with some randar in the corner.  Plus have you ever noticed how a lot of the great music venues out there kind of resemble old warehouses?... feels like home.  Always a great time.

BEACH HOUSES - What is not to like about a beach house? Have you seen Weekend at Bernie's???  Everyone loves beach houses.  There is absolutely no reason for anyone to stay completely clothed at a beach house.  Its so hot outside you just HAVE to keep chugging that butterscotch brewflake in your hand to stay hydrated.  Bonus points for beach houses with hot tubs.  Leave a couple of savages at a beach house for an hour and you are guaranteed to have a rager on your hands.

AN ISLAND - Same idea as a beach house, just a little more secluded and primitive which can equal a lot more wild sometimes.  If we were stuck on the Island of the Blue Dolphins, that place would be like spring break everyday.  Savage. 

UNDER THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE - Don't ask us why we are so obsessed with the Brooklyn Bridge we just are.   If we were homeless we would most definitely be posted up as close to the Brooklyn Bridge that we could get, chillin around our barrel fire. 

FIELDS - Fields are one of the most legit places for savages to party, because we are in our homelands.  The grass is soft enough to take a nap on and you can pretty much do whatever the hell you want to. Drive as many cars up in that thing as you want to, listen to your music as loud as you want to, hell get naked and have a rain dance.   Get out your loin cloths and set up a couple of teepees in there and you've got yourself one savage party. 

YACHTS - And the creme de la creme of all savage hot spots to party on... a boat.  There is something about the open ocean and the wind in your hair.  Puts us savages right in our element.  The combination of water, wind and sun is not just something that causes greatness on Captain Planet.  You cannot have a bad time if you are partying on a boat... unless your sea sick, then you're on your own. 

And this YACHT WEEK we've been hearing about sounds like one long euro-trash savage fest of a trip... see you biddies there!

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